Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

Enno Lerian Sexy Pose on Popular Magazine

Enno Lerian is a woman born in Lampung, 8 October 1983 as a professional artist sinetron. Formerly known as the singer he cilik enough known by the Indonesian people. Now he has 1 child, but the former has been divorced from her husband.

Enno Lerian

Enno Lerian

Enno Lerian

The Enno Lerian appearance that always fresh evidently was received by the habit blessing underwent the healthy life. The mother had one children this chose to treat and increase the child personally without help baby sitter. With all of his activities, of course Enno ought to be pointed out the thumb with his role as the mother was single. This time, Enno that for a long time far from the focus, immediately has come back by bringing the new album.

Now, this former small singer was ready to return to the musical stage. Enno was planning the production of the new album. "Busy making the album pop." He said yes about the life, said Enno, that claimed could not the seeker of the new colleague of the reason for his activity.

Enno Lerian

Enno Lerian

Enno Lerian

Enno Lerian


Enno start carries himself well during the song "Si Nyamuk naughty", while the new age 9 years. Enno directly into idol children. Moreover, with a sweet smile, who participated in support vokalnya slick. Enno has recorded 8 albums. The Mosquitoes are a naughty, Dakocan, It's All Here, Dudidam, Oioio, 3 albums and songs Muslim Peace, Take Lebaran, and the last study on mengaji. Not only singing, enno also become a trusted enno Ceria of events on the screen SCTV and had a role in sinetron Debu Jalanan.

Various awards are achieve, such as options Audience Favorite Singer VAN (Video Anak Anteve) 1997, Panasonic Open Bearer Event Award in 1997, and Best Singer of Anugerah Music Indonesia (AMI) in 1997.

Go after the man, his name began to sink. Enno appear several times in the world of entertainment of the country although not as a singer. Enno dubber never vote for Serene in animated film "Homeland" and portray characters in Wulan sinetron "Star Arrange House."

Name enno began to talk again when the materials themselves have been known to get pregnant while married. Unfortunately merried with Muhammad Nayaka Untara not survive long, they were officially divorced 3 Jannuari 2006. And they have a son, Pradipa Men Untara Earth, which is the reason they were married at a young age.

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