Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

"Jennifer Mey" Fresh Look Maret 2010 " ‘Amoy’ From Heaven"

Who said no fun going out with a homely girl? POPULAR first saw this one girl, we guarantee you're lazy to move anywhere. Oh yes, do not forget to lock the door ...
IF usually many women prefer to spend time outside than at home. Another with Jennifer Mey, if not wracked routine filming, photographing, and business properties, China-Indonesia-blooded woman was actually fond of silence at home.

Including when afflicted grief because kandasnya romance interwoven with the beloved, do not bother searching, just press the bell house. "If a broken heart, so really lazy out there I'm more at ease to linger in the room alone. I've also always refused invited clubbing, as we find pleasure there, "the story begins intimate conversation in bed.

Jennifer Mey

Jennifer Mey

Can not be denied, since the end of the girlfriend, Asmara pesinetron Seasonal and There Is the Rainbow who lived alone was claimed to be lonely. Yet again he has a way to eliminate the sense of aloneness.

"I diligently clean up, if I'm at home must have all the room was always neat. I also can cook you know. But if it was the drop, I usually drink wine. I'm not a drinker, but if the wine I dare, because its benefits for heart health and skin, blood circulation and relaxing to the brain, "chatter spoiled.

Jennifer Mey

Jennifer Mey

Jennifer Mey

It is up to when to be alone? Instead of an oriental girl in great demand and so a target man? "I still do not feel like that, but somehow many men who came," he said, laughing with neat rows of teeth are covered stirrup.

Calibaration have calibaration who would have thought the virgin birth of Jakarta, August 18, 1988 was actually hated paras orientalnya? "Honestly I do not like the oriental face, but to know how dikasihnya like this anymore, he he he," he joked. Interestingly though oriental woman claiming hate, as long as he's always knit in love with oriental-looking guy. Why ..?

"Maybe because of relationships, from childhood in school friends who I rarely native, I've never been out with a local guy," he assumed.

Jennifer Mey

Jennifer Mey

Jennifer Mey

Fear of Dating

Born in the modern era, but about how students, women with high-170cm / 48 kg was spelled conventionally. Since childhood, the usual virgin addressed this Oshin disugesti Amoy and if all the men liked to play girls. As a result of fertilizer watered flourished early on in his soul.

"I'm scared of dating a guy and brave new high school graduation. Om I mean I know well, so I would not be handled the same apain and not flirty guys, I finally pressed together mama so going out, "he recalls with a smile.

He has also been kissed Caucasian man while on vacation to Singapore. "It was a high school class, but I've always liked guys Caucasians, but when he said he likes and he admitted would not want to kiss. Never invited to the streets and placed in a dark place, he forced a kiss for me, I still do not want, I'm still very innocent, just when the first kiss I was 19 years of age, very late, "the story at length.

In fact, the eldest of three brothers who now feel the freedom of living in an apartment since confessed follower of sex after married. "I have principles so girls must have self-esteem. Moreover lucky I am, for this man who became my boyfriend never asked for more than a kiss, because sex for me is not the primary relationship, the essential compassion, "chatter.

Then what is there is no desire to try adventure sex? "Just curious, I often ask the same best friends, aja doing anyway? Or if not satisfied I like watching the same blue film my girl friends, he he he, "she chuckled.

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