br dia mirza ze windswept white dress and pout make dia mirza look alluring. she does manage to do ze copy act with aplomb. googleadsectionend
br strongriya sen strong riya sen tries her best to attempt ze iconic style of marilyn monroe. she does look fabulous, but its a poor copy. googleadsectionend
br strongnegar khan strong negar khan is a confident, bold woman, and shes not easily embarrassed here she takes ze monroe look a bit furzer, making it look crass. googleadsectionend
br strongmallika sherawat strong mallika sherawats got ze red dress and ze oomph factor and one of ze few who can match up to ze divas style. googleadsectionend
br strongtanushree duttastrong tanushree duttas little wavy outfit reflects her fascination with marilyn monroe. but golden shorts underneath ze dress just not done googleadsectionend
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