Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

Sudah Hadir Quad Core Untuk Laptop !

Quad Core
BBO Techno ~ Pengguna komputer kini semakin dimanjakan oleh kemampuan komputer laptop yang semakin bertenaga. Dengan kehadiran prosesor mobile berkekuatan empat inti, pengguna komputer pun dapat merasakan kekuatan komputer desktop pada laptop.

Setelah tiga tahun mengandalkan Intel Core 2 Duo, Intel sebagai produsen prosesor terbesar di dunia mewujudkan hal itu dengan meluncurkan Intel Core i7 seri XM dan QM. Inilah tanda akan adanya komputer laptop berkekuatan multicore yang disebut-sebut sebagai yang tercepat di planet ini.

Saat ini Intel menyediakan tiga model prosesor mobile Intel Core i7, yakni Intel seri 920XM, 820QM, dan 720QM. Prosesor ini mengandalkan sebuah chip Intel PM55 Express Chipset yang dirakit berdasarkan mikro-arsitektur Nehalem bertransistor 45 nm. Melalui kombinasi teknologi Hyper-Threading dan Turbo Boost, Intel menjanjikan pemrosesan data yang lebih cepat dan efisien sekaligus hemat daya.

"Hyper-Threading membuat pekerjaan multitasking bisa dijalankan lebih baik. Sedangkan, Turbo Boost merupakan teknologi yang dapat memberikan efisiensi kerja pada prosesor multicore," papar Country Manager Intel Indonesia Corporation, Budi Wahyu Jati, pada peluncuran prosesor-prosesor tersebut di Jakarta, Jumat (30/10).

Apa manfaatnya? Banyak. Yang pasti, proses olah data multimedia menjadi lebih cepat, sekitar 75 persen lebih cepat. Ini sangat diperlukan dalam pengolahan foto digital, video rendering, gaming, atau penggabungan dari ketiga kemampuan tersebut sekaligus.

Peluncuran prosesor mobile di atas juga dibarengi dengan peluncuran prosesor Intel i7 seri 800 dan Intel Core i5 untuk mainstream desktop. Prosesor dengan sebuah chip Intel P55 Express Chipset ini pun ditujukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan komputasi multimedia dengan multitasking yang berat.

Olivia Tidak Mau Salah Pergaulan

Lingkungan gemerlap di dunia selebriti terkadang membuat orang salah arah. Menilik beberapa kasus yang menimpa selebriti yang terlibat kasus narkoba, anggapan itu bisa jadi benar. Namun tak semua sosok yang menerjuni dunia hiburan terseret arus ke arah yang salah. Setidaknya hal ini dijalani bintang muda, Olivia Lubis Jensen. Pendatang baru ini memilih memilah diri dalam berteman.

Soal menjaga pergaulan, Olivia mendapat bantuan dari manajernya. "Untungnya aku di sini ada manajemen yang support aku, dan manajemen kenal dengan teman dekat aku. Dan manajemen nggak mau artisnya kenapa-napa," ungkap olivia yang ditemui di Studio Penta Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, Jumat (30/10).

Kasus narkoba yang banyak menjerat selebriti, bagi Olivia dianggapnya tergantung pada masing-masing orang. "Sebenarnya tergantung diri kita masing-masing melihatnya gimana. Dan aku nggak mau merusak masa depan. Yang penting pergaulannya itu harus sama orang yang benar-benar kita kenal, sama lingkungan yang kita tahu," kilah bintang BUKAN CINTA BIASA ini.

Menuurut Olivia kasus yang menimpa Jennifer Dunn terjadi lantaran pengaruh lingkungan. "Ya karena salah lingkungan mungkin, awalnya dia (Jennifer) tidak mau tapi karena salah pergaulan dia merasa yang dilakukan itu benar," tambahnya. 

Timnas U-23 Lawan SFC U-21

Tim nasional "under" 23 (Timnas U-23) berhadapan dengan Sriwijaya FC (SFC) U-21 dalam sebuah pertandingan uji coba di Stadion Gelora Sriwijaya Jakabaring, Palembang, Sumatra Selatan (Sumsel), Minggu (1/11) sore, pukul 15.30 WIB.

Ofisial Timnas U-23 Deddy Riswanto mengatakan di Palembang, Sabtu, partai uji coba ini digelar untuk mematangkan persiapan Timnas U-23 menghadapi SEA Games XXV di Laos, Desember 2009.
"Tim masih menyisakan waktu kurang lebih lima minggu untuk persiapan SEA Games. Sisa waktu yang sedikit ini, biasaya memang dimanfaatkan dengan pertandingan uji coba," kata Deddy.
Dia mengatakan, setelah melawan SFC U-23, ofisial Timnas U-23 juga telah menyiapkan dua partai uji coba lainnya, melawan Timnas Malaysia U-23 tanggal 7 November 2009, dan kontra SFC tanggal 9 November 2009.
"Saat ini tim sudah terbentuk dan tinggal mematangkan saja, salah satunya melalui partai uji coba ini," ucapnya menjelaskan.
Sementara, pelatih SFC U-21 Kashartadi mengatakan, tidak memasang target menang pada laga uji coba ini.
"Kami hanya berusaha bermain baik dan berusaha mengimbangi permainan Timnas U-23. Karena secara kwalitas, kami memang berada di bawah Timnas U-23," ujarnya, merendah.
Meskipun demikian, dia cukup optimistis skuad besutannya dapat memberikan perlawanan terhadap Timnas U-23, karena diperkuat oleh lima pemain SFC senior.
Lima pemain itu, Andi Irawan, Fadli Ramadhan, Jeki, Caesar Karisma, dan Risky.
"Timnas U-23 bisa dikatakan sebagai tim yang diisi oleh pemain muda terbaik Indonesia, kami bersyukur mereka memilih tim kami sebagai lawan uji coba, sehingga dapat bermanfaat untuk kami untuk menghadapi laga perdana musim ini," paparnya.
Untuk meladeni skuad Merah Putih Junior ini, dia mengaku akan menerapkan formasi 4-4-2 dengan menempatkan Fadli, Yusuf, Jeki, dan Sutarno sebagai pemain belakang.
Kemudian, Ucok, Alif, Rosihan dan Aris sebagai gelandang, dan menduetkan Caesar dan Risky di lini depan.

Kakek Umur 112 Tahun Menikahi Gadis 17 Tahun

BukaBerita - Pernikahan unik terjadi di Somalia. Kakek berusia 112 tahun menikahi gadis berumur 17 tahun. Kontan, ratusan orang menghadiri pernikahan tersebut.

Adalah Ahmed Muhamed Dore yang telah memiliki 18 anak dari lima istri yang menikah dengan gadis yang umurnya terpaut sangat jauh itu. Dia mengatakan akan mendapatkan banyak anak lagi dari istri barunya, Safia Abdulleh. "Hari ini Tuhan menolong saya merealisasikan mimpi saya," kata Dore, setelah resepsi pernikahan di kawasan Galduduud baru-baru ini.

Dore mengatakan, dia dan pengantin wanitanya yang lebih cocok untuk menjadi buyutnya itu berasal dari desa yang sama di Somalia dan dia sudah menunggu cukup lama hingga dia remaja agar bisa dilamar. "Saya tidak memaksanya, tapi menggunakan pengalaman saya untuk meyakinkan dia tentang cinta saya dan akhirnya kami setuju untuk menikah," kata sang pengantin pria seperti dikutip BBC.

Sementara itu, keluarga pengantin wanita mengatakan, Safia sangat bahagia dengan suami barunya meski pendampingnya itu lebih cocok untuk jadi kakeknya.(AND)

Polisi Sita Bukti Rekaman KPK?

Jika polisi sampai berhasil menyita barang bukti rekaman milik Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) akan menjadi preseden buruk. Pemberantasan korupsi akan terancam.

"Preseden buruk, kalau sampai dikasihkan," pakar hukum pidana Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM) Eddy OS Hiariej kepada detikcom, Sabtu (31/10/2009).

Menurutnya, jika setiap barang bukti penyelidikan kasus korupsi di KPK bisa disita polisi, maka hal itu akan mengancam pemberantasan korupsi. Bisa dimanfaatkan untuk orang yang tidak senang akan sepak terjang KPK memberantas korupsi.

Lantas bagaimana jika polisi tetap berkeras untuk menyita bukti rekaman?
"Ya kasih salinannya saja. Dikasih kopian rekaman, bukan yang asli," jelas Eddy.

Ical: Angket Untuk Century

Partai Golkar setuju menggunakan hak angket terhadap kasus Bank Century. Hal ini dilakukan untuk membantu Presiden SBY agar bisa menjalankan pemerintahan dengan kuat.

"Apa yang kita sampaikan itu demi kebaikan agar lebih tertib, maka kita perlu memberikan penjelasan terhadap permasalahan Bank Century agar kemudian Presiden dan Wakil Presiden bisa berkerja sekuat-kuatnya," kata Ketum Golkar Aburizal Bakrie.

Hal tersebut dia sampaikan usai memimpin acara HUT Golkar ke 45 di JiExpo, Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat, Sabtu (31/10/2009).

Menurut Ical, partai Golkar tidak akan hanya berkata manis saja pada pemerintah meski sudah berkoalisi. Jika diperlukan, kata-kata pahit akan dilontarkan demi kemajuan bangsa. "Jadi kita sebagai seorang sahabat, tidak boleh punya kata yang manis- manis saja. Kalau diperlukan yang pahit tapi tujuannya baik itulah sahabat sejati," tambahnya.

Mantan Menkokesra ini juga menambahkan, Golkar hanya akan memberikan kritik yang membangun dan memberikan solusi alternatif bagi sebuah permasalahan. Tujuannya, untuk bersatu dan membentuk pemerintahan yang kuat dan membawa Indonesia lebih sejahtera.

Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009

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Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009

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Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009

Katrina Kaif Kissing scandal with Ranbir Kapoor

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Katrina Kaif Kissing scandal with Ranbir Kapoor

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Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

Emotional Katrina Kaif misses her father’s love

Katrina Kaif ’s father not in touch with her and she certainly misses her father’s love and affection, Katrina Kaif has six sisters – three older and three younger.She also has a brother, a professional skier and rock climber and this childrens care taken by her mother and bought up who is a Harvard graduate and successful lawyer and her parents separated when we they very young.

They were raised by her mother who did a wonderful job. Katrina Kaif’s father who was from the decent and comes from a good family and they went their own ways because of issues which are personal for the Katrina and for her family members but instead of complaining, Katrina feels grateful for all the other things she have while her father will never come back.

super star angelina jolie biography

super star angelina jolie biography
Angelina Jolie (born Angelina Jolie Voight on June 4, 1975) is an American film actor and a Goodwill Ambassador for the UN Refugee Agency. She has been cited as one of the world's most beautiful women and her off-screen life is widely reported. Jolie has received three Golden Globe Awards, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, and an Academy Award.
Born Angelina Jolie Voight
June 4, 1975 (1975-06-04) (age 33)
Los Angeles, California
Occupation Film actor
Years active 1982; 1993–present
Spouse(s) Jonny Lee Miller (1996–1999)
Billy Bob Thornton (2000–2003)
Domestic partner(s) Brad Pitt (2005–present)

Though she made her screen debut as a child alongside her father Jon Voight in the 1982 film Lookin' to Get Out, Jolie's acting career began in earnest a decade later with the low-budget production Cyborg 2 (1993). Her first leading role in a major film was in Hackers (1995). She starred in the critically acclaimed biographical films George Wallace (1997) and Gia (1998), and won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in the drama Girl, Interrupted (1999). Jolie achieved international fame as a result of her portrayal of video game heroine Lara Croft in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001), and since then has established herself as one of the best-known and highest-paid actresses in Hollywood. She has had her biggest commercial successes with the action-comedy Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005) and the animated film Kung Fu Panda (2008).

Divorced from actors Jonny Lee Miller and Billy Bob Thornton, Jolie currently lives with actor Brad Pitt, in a relationship that has attracted worldwide media attention. Jolie and Pitt have three adopted children, Maddox, Pax, and Zahara, as well as three biological children, Shiloh, Knox, and Vivienne. Jolie has promoted humanitarian causes throughout the world, and is noted for her work with refugees through UNHCR.
Photo: Angelina Jolie at the Age of 12 in 1988.
Early life and family
Born in Los Angeles, California, Jolie is the daughter of actors Jon Voight and Marcheline Bertrand. She is the niece of Chip Taylor, sister of James Haven and the god-daughter of Jacqueline Bisset and Maximilian Schell. On her father's side, Jolie is of Slovak and German descent, and on her mother's side she is French Canadian and is said to be part Iroquois, although Voight claims Bertrand is "not seriously Iroquois," and they merely said it to enhance his ex-wife's exotic background.

After her parents' separation in 1976, Jolie and her brother were raised by their mother, who abandoned her acting ambitions and moved with them to Palisades, New York. As a child Jolie regularly saw movies with her mother and later explained that this had inspired her interest in acting; she had not been influenced by her father. When she was eleven years old, the family moved back to Los Angeles and Jolie decided she wanted to act and enrolled at the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute, where she trained for two years and appeared in several stage productions. She later recalled her time as a student at Beverly Hills High School (later Moreno High School), and her feeling of isolation among the children of some of the area's more affluent families. Jolie's mother survived on a more modest income, and Jolie often wore second-hand clothes. She was teased by other students who also targeted her for her distinctive features, for being extremely thin, and for wearing glasses and braces.Her self-esteem was further diminished when her initial attempts at modeling proved unsuccessful. She started to cut herself; later commenting, "I collected knives and always had certain things around. For some reason, the ritual of having cut myself and feeling the pain, maybe feeling alive, feeling some kind of release, it was somehow therapeutic to me."

At the age of 14, she dropped out of her acting classes and dreamed of becoming a funeral director. During this period, she wore black, dyed her hair purple and went out moshing with her live-in boyfriend. Two years later, after the relationship had ended, she rented an apartment above a garage a few blocks from her mother's home. She returned to theatre studies and graduated from high school, though in recent times she has referred to this period with the observation, "I am still at heart—and always will be—just a punk kid with tattoos".

Jolie has been long estranged from her father, though a reconciliation was attempted, and he appeared with her in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001). In July 2002, Jolie filed a request to legally change her name to "Angelina Jolie", dropping Voight as her surname; the name change was made official on September 12, 2002. In August of the same year, Voight claimed that his daughter had "serious emotional problems" on Access Hollywood. Jolie later indicated that she no longer wished to pursue a relationship with her father, and said, "My father and I don't speak. I don't hold any anger toward him. I don't believe that somebody's family becomes their blood. Because my son's adopted, and families are earned." She stated that she did not want to publicize her reasons for her estrangement from her father, but because she had adopted her son, she did not think it was healthy for her to associate with Voight.

Early work, 1993–1997
Jolie began working as a fashion model when she was 14 years old. She was signed with Finesse Model Management and modeled in both the United States and Europe, working mainly in Los Angeles, New York and London. At that time she also appeared in numerous music videos, including those of Meat Loaf ("Rock & Roll Dreams Come Through"), Antonello Venditti ("Alta Marea"), Lenny Kravitz ("Stand by My Woman"), and The Lemonheads ("It's About Time"). At the age of 16, Jolie returned to theatre and played her first role as a German dominatrix. She began to learn from her father, as she noticed his method of observing people to become like them. Their relationship during this time was less strained, with Jolie realizing that they were both "drama queens".

Jolie appeared in five of her brother's student films, made while he attended the USC School of Cinematic Arts, but her professional movie career began in 1993, when she played her first leading role in the low-budget film Cyborg 2, as Casella "Cash" Reese, a near-human robot, designed to seduce her way into a rival manufacturer's headquarters and then self-detonate. Following a supporting role in the independent film Without Evidence, Jolie starred as Kate "Acid Burn" Libby in her first Hollywood picture, Hackers (1995), where she met her first husband Jonny Lee Miller. The New York Times wrote, "Kate (Angelina Jolie) stands out. That's because she scowls even more sourly than [her co-stars] and is that rare female hacker who sits intently at her keyboard in a see-through top. Despite her sullen posturing, which is all this role requires, Ms. Jolie has the sweetly cherubic looks of her father, Jon Voight." The movie failed to make a profit at the box-office, but developed a cult following after its video release.

She appeared as Gina Malacici in the 1996 comedy Love Is All There Is, a modern-day loose adaptation of Romeo and Juliet set among two rival Italian family restaurant owners in the Bronx, New York. In the road movie Mojave Moon (1996) she was a youngster, named Eleanor Rigby, who falls for Danny Aiello, while he takes a shine to her mother, Anne Archer. In 1996, she also played Margret "Legs" Sadovsky, one of five teenage girls who form an unlikely bond in the film Foxfire after they beat up a teacher who has sexually harassed them. The Los Angeles Times wrote about Jolie's performance, "It took a lot of hogwash to develop this character, but Jolie, Jon Voight's knockout daughter, has the presence to overcome the stereotype. Though the story is narrated by Maddy, Legs is the subject and the catalyst."

In 1997, Jolie starred with David Duchovny in the thriller Playing God, a film portraying a surgeon who is stripped of his medical license and is lured deep into the criminal world where he meets Jolie's character, Claire. The movie was not received well by critics and Roger Ebert noted that "Angelina Jolie finds a certain warmth in a kind of role that is usually hard and aggressive; she seems too nice to be [a criminal's] girlfriend, and maybe she is." She then appeared in the TV movie True Women, a historical romantic drama set in the American West, and based on the book by Janice Woods Windle. That year she also played a stripper who leaves mid-performance to wander New York City in the Rolling Stones music video for the song "Anybody Seen My Baby?".

Angelina Jolie's Breakthrough, 1997–2000

Jolie's career prospects began to improve after her performance as Cornelia Wallace in the 1997 biographical film George Wallace for which she won a Golden Globe Award and was nominated for an Emmy. The film was praised by critics and, among other awards, received the Golden Globe for Best Miniseries/Motion Picture made for TV. She played the second wife of the segregationist Governor of Alabama who was shot and paralyzed while running for President. The film starred Gary Sinise and was directed by John Frankenheimer.

In 1998, Jolie starred in HBO's Gia, portraying supermodel Gia Carangi. The film depicted a world of sex, drugs and emotional drama, and chronicled the destruction of Carangi's life and career as a result of her drug addiction, and her decline and death from AIDS. Vanessa Vance from noted, "Angelina Jolie gained wide recognition for her role as the titular Gia, and it's easy to see why. Jolie is fierce in her portrayal—filling the part with nerve, charm, and desperation—and her role in this film is quite possibly the most beautiful train wreck ever filmed."For the second consecutive year, Jolie won a Golden Globe and was nominated for an Emmy. She also won her first Screen Actors Guild Award. In accordance with Lee Strasberg's method acting Jolie reportedly preferred to stay in character in between scenes during many of her early films, and as a result had gained a reputation for being difficult to deal with. While shooting Gia, she told her then-husband Jonny Lee Miller that she would not be able to phone him: "I'd tell him: 'I'm alone; I'm dying; I'm gay; I'm not going to see you for weeks.'"

Following Gia, Jolie moved to New York and stopped acting for a short period of time, because she felt that she had "nothing else to give". She enrolled at New York University to study filmmaking and attended writing classes. She described it as "just good for me to collect myself" on Inside the Actors Studio.

Jolie returned to film as Gloria McNeary in the 1998 gangster movie Hell's Kitchen, and later that year appeared in Playing by Heart, part of an ensemble cast that included Sean Connery, Gillian Anderson, Ryan Phillippe and Jon Stewart. The film received predominantly positive reviews and Jolie was praised in particular. The San Francisco Chronicle wrote, "Jolie, working through an overwritten part, is a sensation as the desperate club crawler learning truths about what she's willing to gamble." Jolie won the Breakthrough Performance Award by the National Board of Review.

In 1999, she starred in Mike Newell's comedy-drama Pushing Tin, co-starring John Cusack, Billy Bob Thornton, and Cate Blanchett. Jolie played Thornton's seductive wife. The film received a lukewarm reception from critics and Jolie's character was particularly criticized. The Washington Post wrote, "Mary (Angelina Jolie), a completely ludicrous writer's creation of a free-spirited woman who weeps over hibiscus plants that die, wears lots of turquoise rings and gets real lonely when Russell spends entire nights away from home." She then worked with Denzel Washington in The Bone Collector (1999), an adapted crime novel written by Jeffery Deaver. Jolie played Amelia Donaghy, a police officer haunted by her cop father's suicide, who reluctantly helps Washington track down a serial killer. The movie grossed $151 million worldwide, but was a critical failure; the Detroit Free Press concluded, "Jolie, while always delicious to look at, is simply and woefully miscast."

Jolie next took the supporting role of the sociopathic Lisa Rowe in Girl, Interrupted (1999), a film that tells the story of mental patient Susanna Kaysen, and which was adapted from Kaysen's original memoir Girl, Interrupted. While Winona Ryder played the main character in what was hoped to be a comeback for her, the film instead became the "welcome-to-Hollywood coronation" for Jolie.Jolie won her third Golden Globe, her second Screen Actors Guild Award and an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. Variety noted, "Jolie is excellent as the flamboyant, irresponsible girl who turns out to be far more instrumental than the doctors in Susanna's rehabilitation" and Roger Ebert wrote about her performance:
“ Jolie is emerging as one of the great wild spirits of current movies, a loose cannon who somehow has deadly aim. ”

In 2000, Jolie appeared in her first summer blockbuster, Gone In 60 Seconds, in which she played Sarah "Sway" Wayland, ex-girlfriend of car-thief Nicolas Cage. The role was small, and the Washington Post criticized that "all she does in this movie is stand around, cooling down, modeling those fleshy, pulsating muscle-tubes that nest so provocatively around her teeth." She later explained that the film was a welcome relief after the heavy role of Lisa Rowe, and it became her highest grossing movie up until then, earning $237 million internationally.

the hot angelina jolie biography

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the angelina jolie biography

angelina jolie biography

Angelina Jolie was born on June 4th, 1975 in Los Angeles, California to Oscar-winning actor Jon Voight and actress Marcheline Bertrand. Voight and Bertrand also gave birth to James Haven, Angelina's notorious brother. Before Angelina could walk, Voight and Bertrand were split and James and his sister were raised by their mother, creating a very close bond with Angelina. When Bertrand died earlier this year from cancer, Angelina was shattered.

Angelina Jolie claims that she went to the movies regularly with her mother when she was a child and it was this, not the careers of her famous parents, that led her into acting. At the age of 11, Angelina Jolie was enrolled in the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute, a very famous acting school that has produced countless Hollywood icons. She trained there for two years before moving on to Beverly Hills High School, where she felt like the outcast. Bertrand didn't have a lot of money and wearing second-hand clothes in the 90210 area code can make you the object of scorn by your fellow students. Angelina also claims that she was an ugly duckling with distinctive features, glasses, braces, and not too much meat on her bones.

Jolie fell into self-loathing and lashed out as she grew older. She dropped out of acting classes when she turned fourteen and entered what she calls a rebellious period in her life, living with a boyfriend, wearing exclusively black, and dying her hair purple. Two years later, the relationship ended and Jolie returned to theater. She graduated from high school and soon broke into Hollywood. She was almost an immediate hit.

Jolie started as a fashion model with Finesse Model Management and got regular work in both the States and Europe. Jolie even appeared in music videos, as models regularly do, and late at night (when cable actually plays music videos) you might catch her in "Rock & Roll Dreams Come Through" by Meat Loaf, "Stand by My Woman" by Lenny Kravitz, or "It's About Time" by The Lemonheads.

She returned to theatre at the age of 16 and appeared in her brother's student films as he attended the USC School of Cinematic Arts. Her film career started weakly, as most of them do, in Cyborg 2 as Casella "Cash" Reese in 1993. Two years later, she had what could be called her breakthrough, a cult hit called Hackers, where she met her first husband, Jonny Lee Miller. A few comedies and action movies followed, including Playing God with David Duchovny, and she starred in a great music video for The Rolling Stones, "Anybody Seen My Baby?"

The breakthroughs came back-to-back-to-back for Angelina Jolie in the late '90s. First, Angelina starred in George Wallace, a TV movie that earned her a Golden Globe and an Emmy nomination. Jolie proved she could hold her own against acclaimed actors like Gary Sinise. Her next TV movie, Gia, really introduced Angelina Jolie to the world, in more ways than one, and earned her a consecutive Golden Globe award and an Emmy nomination. She even won the SAG Award that year for Gia.

There were a few other small roles, but the next year produced the big breakthrough in Girl, Interrupted, a film that won Angelina Jolie an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. She wasn't even 25 years old and she had an Oscar, three Golden Globes, a SAG Award, and multiple other nominations. Oh, and she was widely becoming recognized as one of the most beautiful women in the world.

As most award-winners do, Angelina Jolie turned that critically acclaimed early period into a commercially successful few years, landing major roles in films like Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and Mr. and Mrs. Smith. She would also appear in films by Oliver Stone (Alexander), Michael Winterbottom (A Mighty Heart), and Robert DeNiro (The Good Shepherd).

Despite some box office hits and some critically acclaimed performances, the last half-decade of Angelina Jolie's life has been arguably more well-known for her personal choices than her professional ones. Jolie was married to Jonny Lee Miller, but moved on to a high profile relationship with Billy Bob Thornton and a little pairing that you might have heard of called Brangelina. After meeting on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Angelina Jolie stole Brad Pitt away from Jennifer Aniston and the two most beautiful people in Hollywood were finally a pair.

And they were soon parents. Before Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie had adopted Maddox Chivan from Cambodia in 2002 and Zahara Marley from Ethopia in 2005. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie gave birth to their own child in 2006, Shiloh Nouvel, and adopted a fourth child, a Vietnamese orphan who they named Pax Thien in 2007.

In the '00s, Angelina Jolie became one of the most active and humanitarian of all public figures, being named a Goodwill Ambassador in August of 2001 by the UNHCR. Unlike a lot of celebs, Angelina Jolie puts her time and energy where her mouth is, regularly visiting countries like Thailand, Ecuador, Kenya, Sudan, and many more. In 2003 alone, she spent time in Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Russia, Jordan, and Egypt. She's very serious about her humanitarian work, even though it doesn't get nearly the headlines of her latest fashion choices or public tiff with Brad Pitt. In 2003, she won the Citizen of the World Award by the United Nations Correspondents Association. Citizen of the World! And that wasn't for her work in Original Sin.

Angelina Jolie is already an Oscar winner, mother of four, box office superstar, and one of the most important world figures when it comes to humanitarian causes, and she's only 32. It's amazing to think about how much more she will accomplish in the next few decades.

Katrina shares sizzling chemistry with co-stars

Pune, (ANI): Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif hails energy level of his co-star Ranbir Kapoor on the sets of their much-awaited film Ajab Prem Ki Gajab Kahani (APKGK). After delivering some serious films, director Rajkumar Santoshi is all set to provide the audience with a breather with his upcoming romantic comedy APKGK. With a title that is too long, and quite unlike a typical Bollywood name, the forthcoming movie has already made its presence felt.
And the other thing making news is on-screen chemistry seen in promos and off-screen chemistry seen in media briefings between actor Kaif and Kapoor. The actors have been paired for the first time for this romantic comedy. Kaif while talking to reporters at a promotional event here on Friday said that they gelled well with each other because of their similar working style of keeping the energy flowing on the film set.

Kaif recalled the entertainment on the sets of the film and said that when the filmmaker is passionate then the energy level on the sets is much better. "In this film Ajab, baseball I think it was. Baseball in between every shot we have like cameraman assistants and the lighting guys and every one together playing baseball. I think I was wearing some weighing dress but still I managed to play. It's just the matter of wanting to be on the film set. If you are working with someone who wants to be there and then passionate about making films because that's what they love doing, then the energy is so much better."

The film is a romantic tale of two youngsters, Prem and Jennifer, played by Kapoor and Kaif. Shot in Ooty, Goa, Mumbai and Turkey Ajab Prem Ki Gajab Kahani is slated to release on November 6.

Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009

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Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009

Deepika Padukone & Katrina Kaif scuffle

Mumbai: The two hot babes of Bollywood are not taking up arms against each other. The recent stories of Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina affair had hit the tabloids during the shoot of Ajab Prem Ki Gajab Kahani.

This is making Deepika insecure and she blames Katrina for the rumors. Katrina herself claimed that she shares good chemistry with the Kapoor boy and she is very’comfortable’ working with him. Katrina even went on to say they have similar visions about films.

Deepika’s association with Farhan Akhtar is also seen with a questionable eye by the media and she blames Katrina to spread such things to spoil her relation with Ranbir.

According to a source close to Kat “What can she possibly get by spreading stories about Deepika? She is not the sort of person to resort to mud-slinging. Someone is creating a misunderstanding between them.”

Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009

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Webster’s defines tattoo as the permanent insertion of ink or other pigments below the skin using a sharp instrument. For centuries, tattooing has been used in both ritual and punishment. Today, tattooing is an outlet of self-expression, used by celebs and common-folk alike.

Angelina Jolie, one of Hollywood’s most photographed/talked about/envied superstars, has over a dozed tramp stamps on her body. The actress says all her ink blots have meaning.

Angelina told USA Today in 2003, “Usually all my tattoos came at good times. A tattoo is something permanent when you’ve made a self-discovery, or something you’ve come to a conclusion about.”

Other stars, that you may not suspect, have indulged in the obsession. Rihanna, Gisele Bundchen and Bruce Willis all have star tattoos. Country music star Keith Urban and oh-so-hot Actor Johnny Depp both have Indian tribal tats.

Some celebs wishing they hadn’t taken the plunge are Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards. Their divorce left them both with permanent reminders, in the form of the other’s inked name. Denise recently had Charlie replaced with a fairy and Charlie had Denise removed via laser. When Rocker Tommy Lee’s marriage to Pamela Anderson went sour, the blonde bombshell had her wedding ring tattoo, Tommy, altered to say Mommy.

While the relationship of the beautiful Beckhams is still in tact, it will be interesting to see what David will do with his permanent portrait of Posh if things go South.

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Saras Jane Rela Telanjang...

Bermain total dalam tiap peran yang diberikan sutradara harus dilakukan segenap hati jika ingin hasil yang diperoleh maksimal. Bahkan jika diberikan peran telanjang sekalipun mesti dijalankan dengan baik. Begitu pengakuan Saras Jane kepada baru-baru ini di Senayan City.

"It's oke kalau memang dimaui telanjang, asalkan untuk karya saya mau. Tapi jika telanjang hanya untuk jualan saja, saya jelas menolak," katanya.

Dikatakan lagi bahwa tampil telanjang atau seksi dalam sebuah film merupakan karya yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Untuk itu dia bersedia dan tak mempersoalkan fee yang diperoleh untuk melakukan peran atau adegan tersebut.

"Sebenarnya tampil begitu dilihat dari penting atau tidaknya. Jika cocok kenapa tidak? Namun kalau motivasi biar film laku saya nggak mau. Juga dengan fee, kecil atau besar nggak relevan," sambungnya.

Lantas bagaimana dengan pacar? Tidakkah melarang? Saras langsung menggeleng. "Dia ngerti dengan keadaan film dan semua bisa kita bicarakan," pungkas gadis indo Betawi, Cina, Belanda dan New Zealand


SBY Dilantik

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) dan Boediono lancar dalam membacakan sumpah dan janjinya. Setelah pembacaan sumpah, SBY dan Boediono menjalani pelantikan di depan MPR. Dengan demikian, SBY resmi menjadi Presiden RI 2009-2014 dan Boediono menjadi Wakil Presiden 2009-2014.

Pengucapan sumpah dan pelantikan itu digelar dalam sidang MPR di gedung DPR/MPR, Jalan Gatot Subroto, Jakarta, Selasa (20/10/2009). Sidang MPR dipimpin oleh Ketua MPR Taufiq Kiemas.

SBY dan Boediono membacakan sumpah dan janji sesuai agama Islam yang mereka. Bunyi sumpah presiden dan wakil presiden sebagai berikut: "Demi Allah saya bersumpah akan memenuhi kewajiban Presiden Republik Indonesia (Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia) dengan sebaik-baiknya dan seadil-adilnya, memegang teguh Undang-Undang Dasar dan menjalankan segala undang-undang dan peraturannya dengan selurus-lurusnya serta berbakti kepada Nusa dan Bangsa."

Tepuk tangan membahana ketika pembacaan sumpah SBY-Boediono selesai. Seusai membacakan sumpah tersebut, SBY dan Boediono yang sama-sama mengenakan jas hitam menjalani pelantikan di depan MPR. Pelantikan diiringi dengan penandatanganan keputusan tersebut oleh Ketua MPR dan para wakil Ketua MPR.
Hingga pukul 10.30 WIB, sidang masih berlangsung. Sidang MPR tentang pengucapan sumpah dan janji ini dihadiri 647 anggota MPR dan dihadiri beberapa kepala negara sahabat dan perwakilannya. Mantan Presiden BJ Habibie dan mantan Wapres Try Sutrisno tampak hadir.

sumber: detikcom

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