Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

Ratu Felisha Sexy Pose on FHM Magazine

Ratu Felisha‘s name began to be known publicly at this beautiful girl posing naughty in a special magazine FHM men. Sexy girls born October 16, 1982 is also often sexy pose with her friends, though all done only as a private collection rather than public consumption, but because of naughtiness a friend, the sexy pictures of Ratu Felisha spread on the Internet and become prey netter.

Ratu Felisha began his career as a model, a more Intimate Woman Called Feli Trust has starred in soap OPERATING, although Ratu Felisha name began to Zoar Pls he played in the movie game Kiss me, Which Had attracted criticism in many quarters, in 2004, Because The votes have a bad influence on young people.

Ratu Felisha

Besides movies, Ratu Felisha was also involved in several soap operas such as ABG, Si Cecep, Karunia-Mu, Udin Pe’Ak, Habibi dan Habibah, and several feature films such as Sweet 17, Ada Bayi Di SMU, and Kuntilanak.

The owner of a crown tattoo on his back, and chain tattoo images on the left ankle and a hidden where it already has an adopted daughter named Dasha Godiva, which has been regarded as Ratu Felisha own daughter.

Ratu Felisha

Ratu Felisha

Ratu Felisha name adorned the media back end 2006, when he was involved in the beating case of Andika, who is also a lover of jazz Andien. Although Ratu Felisha and Andika have agreed to settle, but still must be held accountable Ratu Felisha legal actions.

After making love for four years by Dutch nationals men, indie movie star is REAL LOVE bachelor steady release period on December 24, 2008. Ratu Felisha married by her lover, Jules Korsten in Mosque Imam Bonjol, South Jakarta.

Ratu Felisha

Ratu Felisha

Profile Ratu Felisha:
Full Name: Ratu Felisha Renatya
Nick Name: Ratu Felisha
Nationality: Indonesia
Place / Date of birth: Jakarta, October 16, 1982
Sign: Libra
Father's Name: Ari Tubagus Yasin
Mother's Name: Freya Rekardini
Education: Faculty of Communication, University Dr Moestopo Jakarta
Favorite Colors: Pink, blue and beige

Tattooed Girls

Not every babe with a boom is an Inked Girl. Tattooed girls can upload photos afterwards creating an annual with us and readers can vote for their favorites. Visit our Tattooed Girls Gallery and see ladies assuming off their ink. place at the famous tattoo on Indonesia in the Bali island

Female Tattoos

Female tattoos are as assorted and different as the individuality of all tattooed girls. Some of the ladies like appearance off their pin up babe tattoos, sparrows, angelic hearts, angel wings, butterflies, hearts and blooming blossoms. These are generally accepted ones but you apperceive they are aloof the tip of the abstract of the array of changeable tattoos of the Inked People that beautify our associates and our featured guests and celebrities. You’ll additionally see affluence of demons, vixens and any cardinal of all kinds of alluring babe tattoos. You never apperceive what to apprehend but “seeing is believing”, so appear see what we accept to offer. Let your acuteness arise while you appearance these actual claimed aesthetic expressions of the tattooed girls that grace. Ratu Felisha will look more beautiful with a tattoo.

Inilah Pemenang Miss World Cup 2010

Miss World Cup 2010. Acara Piala Dunia 2010 dimeriahkan juga oleh pemilihan Miss World Cup 2010 dimana Miss Argentina, Jennifer Scherman, menjadi Pemenang Miss World Cup 2010 yang diselenggarakan di Jerman. Kontes kecantikan itu masih baru pertama kali diadakan.

Peserta Miss World Cup 2010

Miss Argentina, Jennifer Scherman

Universalqueen mengatakan Jennifer Scherman juga menjadi kontestan dari kontes Miss Jerman 2010.

Runner-up pertama adalah Miss Yunani, Katerina Giannoglou.

Dan Runner-up kedua adalah Miss Belanda, Weijzig Avalon-Chanel. Dia juga pernah menjadi juara Miss Universe Belanda tahun 2009. Avalon juga menjadi salah satu kontestan di kontes Miss Universe 2009. Dan juga menjadi peserta di kontes Miss World 2009.

5 Pembunuh Gairah Seks

5 Pembunuh Gairah Seks. Setiap orang membutuhkan seks, apa saja yang menjadi penyebab sehingga terbunuhnya gairah seks tersebut, coba saja anda simak catatan Oleh: Agatha Yunita yang diambil dari kapanlagi.com, 5 Pembunuh Gairah Seks. Seks, sebuah kebutuhan yang sangat penting bagi pasutri dalam menjalani hubungan dalam sebuah ikatan perkawinan. Namun, bagaimana jika tiba-tiba Anda tak pernah merasakan gairah pasangan lagi?

Gairah seks memang tak pernah mati, namun ada kalanya ia seolah kehilangan nyawa dan perlahan tak pernah Anda temui lagi. Apa sih penyebabnya?

'Pembunuh 1: Stres'

Penyebab utama gairah stres seolah 'mati suri' adalah stres! Entah stres itu disebabkan oleh pekerjaan, kesibukan rumah tangga, ada anggota keluarga yang sakit atau karena lingkungan, yang jelas ini sangat mempengaruhi gairah seks.

Sex Police Tips: Jangan biarkan sang 'pembunuh' ini mengalahkan Anda. Konsultasikan dengan seorang ahli, atau minta pendapat dari mereka yang lebih berpengalaman. Manajemen stres yang Anda rasakan, dan buat diri Anda kembali menjadi sosok yang bersemangat.

'Pembunuh 2: Problem dengan pasangan'

Yang namanya masalah memang selalu ada di dalam hidup, termasuk masalah yang berkaitan dengan hubungan suami istri. Misalnya saja Anda merasa cemburu dengan bunyi BBM-nya yang tak pernah berhenti, atau Anda sebal karena ia terlambat menjemput Anda. Well, ini semua adalah masalah komunikasi, yang hanya bisa diselesaikan dengan komunikasi pula.

Sex Police Tips: 'pembunuh' yang satu ini adalah 'pembunuh' yang sangat rajin berkeliaran namun sangat mudah untuk ditaklukkan. Berbekal komunikasi yang lancar, Anda dan pasangan dpaat dengan mudah mengalahkannya. Selalu berpikir positif, mencoba mengerti dan menghargai pasangan, serta saling mendengarkan, akan menjadi bekal yang cukup mengalahkan 'sang pembunuh nomor 2' ini.

'Pembunuh 3: Alkohol'

Sudah bukan rahasia umum lagi jika para pria seringkali melampiaskan kekecewaan atau kesedihan yang dirasakan lewat alkohol. Dan mungkin ini terjadi saat ia kehilangan proyeknya. Ia jadi sering pulang dalam keadaan mabuk dan tak sadarkan diri. Dan tentu saja, setelah bertemu dengan bantal, maka ia akan langsung memeluknya sampai pagi. Sedangkan Anda, hanya bisa menahan geram di sampingnya.

Sex Police Tips: Waspada, jangan sampai pasangan Anda jadi lepas kendali dan malah kecanduan alkohol. Alihkan perhatian si dia dari alkohol dengan terus memberikannya dorongan semangat. Yang dibutuhkannya sebenarnya adalah teman yang bisa mendengarkan keluhannya, jadi berlagaklah sebagai sosok pendengar setia dan buat dia merasa nyaman mencurahkan seluruh perasaannya pada Anda.

'Pembunuh 4: Kurang Tidur'

Jika ia seringkali menolak dengan ajakan morning sex Anda, maka bisa jadi ia terlalu lelah dan kurang tidur. Dan tentu saja ini menggagalkan rencana Anda yang sudah menyiapkan 'sarapan pagi' istimewa untuknya.

Sex Police Tips: Berikan pijatan lembut dan mandi dengan aromatherapy kepadanya agar tidurnya lebih mudah dan nyenyak. Mungkin ia terlalu tegang seharian bekerja, atau sedang punya problem di kantornya. Sehingga sudah kewajiban Anda untuk membuatnya merasa nyaman dan siap untuk beristirahat di tempat tidur. Keesokan harinya, tinggal memberikan kejutan di pagi hari dan mendongkrak semangatnya lagi.

'Pembunuh 5: Krisis Pede'

Seiring bertambahnya usia, maka akan lebih sulit bagi Anda untuk membentuk tubuh seperti semula. Bahkan mungkin saat ini Anda merasa lebih mirip seperti sebuah bantal dengan pinggul ditutupi lemak setebal 5 cm. Dan inilah yang menyebabkan Anda jadi ogah untuk mencoba gaya Cowboy girl di atas si dia. Akibatnya, tentu saja ia tak mau terus-terusan melakukan gaya missionaris, dan memilih untuk tidur lebih awal ketimbang bermesraan dengan Anda.

Sex Police Tips: Memang benar semakin bertambah usia Anda, semakin sulit juga untuk mengontrol berat badan dan membentuk otot tubuh, namun bukan berarti Anda boleh berhenti berolahraga lho. Tetaplah berolahraga dan jaga keseimbangan nutrisi Anda. Kenakan lingerie atau pakaian seksi yang mengekspose bagian tubuh lain yang membuat Anda lebih percaya diri.

Bagaimana, sudah siap menangkap 'pembunuh' gairah seks Anda?

Astrid Pengganti Luna Maya Acara Dahsyat

Astrid Pengganti Luna Maya Acara Dahsyat. Inilah Astrid Tiar pengganti Luna Maya untuk acara Dahsyat yang ditayangkan statsiun TV RCTI. Astrid Tiar Yosephine Nasution (lahir di Jakarta, 12 Juli 1986; umur 23 tahun) adalah seorang pemeran wanita di Indonesia  yang bertinggi badan 169 cm. Astrid memulai kariernya di dunia hiburan sebagai GADIS Sampul tahun 2000. Namanya melejit lewat sinetron Atas Nama Cinta. Sinetron lain yang pernah dibintanginya antara lain Atas Pusing Bawah Pening, Tangisan Anak Tiri, Buruan Sayang Gue, Topeng, dan Ajari Aku Cinta.

Astrid pernah menjalin kasih dengan vokalis Sheila on 7, Eross Candra, dan juga dengan aktor Gading Marten. Keduanya berakhir dengan perpisahan.

Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

Koleksi Foto Seksi kim kardashian

Photo seksi kim kardashian yang banyak disukai banyak bertebaran di internet dan memang benar kim kardashian memang artis dan model seksi yang banyak penggemarnya, inilah Koleksi Foto Seksi kim kardashian untuk anda :

100 Alamat Twitter Artis Indonesia

100 Alamat Twitter Artis Indonesia. Twitter identik dengan seorang artis dan twitter membuktikan di negara amerika dimana seorang artis disebut tenar apabila followernya banyak, begitu juga dengan twitter artis indonesia, semakin banyak follower twitter sang artis berarti penggemarnya semakin banyak, nah bagi anda yang ingin berhubungan dan mendapatkan tweet dari artis pujaan dibawah ini 100 alamat twitter artis indonesia terlaris.

Daftar Account twitter artis indonesia :

    * Acha Septriasa => http://twitter.com/jelitakmal
    * Adly Fayruz => http://twitter.com/adlyfayruz
    * Agnes Monica => http://twitter.com/agnezmo
    * Alice Sofie Norin => http://twitter.com/alicesofienorin
    * Angga Maliq & The Essentials => http://twitter.com/angga_maliq
    * Ari Lasso => http://twitter.com/ari_lasso
    * Ariel Nidji => http://twitter.com/ielnidji
    * Armand Maulana => http://twitter.com/armandmaulana
    * Ashraf Sinclair => http://twitter.com/ashrafsinclair
    * Audy => http://twitter.com/audybemz
    * Azis Gagap => http://twitter.com/Azis_Gagap
    * Bunga Citra Lestari => http://twitter.com/bclsinclair
    * Cathy Sharon => http://twitter.com/cathysharon
    * Chelsea Olivia => http://twitter.com/chelseaolivia92 (edit 29/6)
    * Chicco Jericho => http://twitter.com/cjrikho829
    * Christian Sugiono => http://twitter.com/csugiono
    * Choky Sitohang => http://twitter.com/VictorySitohang (update 29/6)
    * Cut Tary => http://twitter.com/ctinsert
    * Daniel Mananta => http://twitter.com/vjdaniel
    * Deddy Corbuzier => http://twitter.com/corbuzier
    * Desta Club 80′s => http://twitter.com/desta80s
    * Dewi Dee Lestari => http://twitter.com/deelestari
    * Dewi Sandra => http://twitter.com/dewisandra
    * Dhan Geisha: http://twitter.com/dhan_geisha (update 29/6)
    * Dhea Ananda => http://twitter.com/deA_Ananda
    * Dian Sastro => http://twitter.com/therealdisastr
    * Dimas Beck => http://twitter.com/dimasbeckdong
    * Edric Chandra => http://twitter.com/edrictjandra
    * Eva Celia (anaknya Sophia LAtjuba) => http://twitter.com/evacelia
    * Fauzi Baadilla => http://twitter.com/fauzibaadilla
    * Fedi Nuril => http://twitter.com/fedinuril
    * Fitri Tropica => http://twitter.com/fitrop
    * Gita Gutawa => http://twitter.com/gitagut
    * Gracia Indri => http://twitter.com/graciaz14
    * Herjunot Ali => http://twitter.com/herjuno7ali
    * Indra Bekti => http://twitter.com/indrabektiasli
    * Indra Birowo => http://twitter.com/birowo
    * Indy Barends => http://twitter.com/indybarends
    * Irfan Hakim => http://twitter.com/irfanhakim
    * Irwansyah => http://twitter.com/onesyah1
    * Iwan Fals => http://twitter.com/iwanfals
    * Jennifer Arnelita => http://twitter.com/jenniferrnelita
    * Jessica Iskandar => http://twitter.com/jess_iskandar
    * Joshua => http://twitter.com/jojoagoogoo
    * Kiki Farrel => http://twitter.com/kikifarrel
    * Kirana Larasati => http://twitter.com/kiranalarasati
    * Laudya Chintya Bella => http://twitter.com/bellaudya829
    * Luna Maya => http://twitter.com/lLuNNyy
    * Maia => http://twitter.com/maiasangjuara
    * Marshanda => http://twitter.com/amarshanda
    * Mieke Amalia => http://twitter.com/mieke_amalia
    * Mira Lesmana => http://twitter.com/mirles
    * Momo Geisha=> http://twitter.com/momo_geisha (Update 29/6)
    * Nadia Saphira => http://twitter.com/nadiasaphira
    * Nard Geisha=> http://twitter.com/nardgeisha (update 29/6)
    * Naysila Mirdad => http://twitter.com/naymirdad
    * Olla Ramlan => http://twitter.com/ollaramlan
    * Petra J. Sihombing => http://twitter.com/petra_sihombing
    * Pevita Pearce => http://twitter.com/pevpearce
    * Priya Kuburan => http://twitter.com/priyapriyapriya
    * Rachel Amanda => http://twitter.com/mandasmile
    * Raditya Dika => http://twitter.com/radityadika
    * Revalina S. Temat => http://twitter.com/revalinatemat
    * Ringgo Agus Rahman => http://twitter.com/ringgoagus
    * Risty Tagor => http://twitter.com/ristytagor
    * Riza Shahab => http://twitter.com/rizashahab
    * Ronald Surapradja => http://twitter.com/rocknal
    * Sandra Dewi => http://twitter.com/princesssandraD
    * Shanty => http://twitter.com/shantythesinger
    * Sherina Munaf => http://twitter.com/sherinamunaf
    * Sogi Indra Dhuaja => http://twitter.com/sisogi
    * Surya MTV Insomnia => http://twitter.com/suryainsomnia
    * Tantri Syalindri (Vocalist Kotak) => http://twitter.com/tantrikotak
    * Tasya Kamila => http://twitter.com/tasyakamila
    * Terry Putri => http://twitter.com/terryputri
    * Thalita Latief => http://twitter.com/thalitalatief
    * Tifatul Sembiring => http://twitter.com/tifsembiring
    * Tike Priatnakusumah => http://twitter.com/tikeprie
    * Titi DJ => http://twitter.com/ti2dj
    * Titi Kamal => http://twitter.com/titi_kamall
    * Tiwi T2 => http://twitter.com/ordinarytiwi
    * Tompi => http://twitter.com/dr_tompi
    * Tyas Mirasih => http://twitter.com/tyasmirasih
    * Ussy Sulistyawati => http://twitter.com/ussyklik
    * Velove Vexia => http://twitter.com/vaelovexia
    * Vidi Aldiano => http://twitter.com/vidialdiano
    * Vincent Club 80′s => http://twitter.com/vincentrompies
    * Widy Vierra => http://twitter.com/widikidiw

Supporter Cantik dan Seksi Piala Dunia 2010

Piala Dunia 2010 sebentar lagi berakhir dan disana di Afrika Selatan tempat digelarnya pertandingan World Cup 2010 menyimpan banyak cerita, salah satunya adalah supporter piala dunia yang cantik dan sexy bertebaran di setiap kali pertandingan di mulai, cantik dan sexy seperti seorang model saja, anda penasaran dibawah ini supporter cantik dan seksi piala dunia 2010.

Minggu, 27 Juni 2010

Video Klip Cinta Satu Malam - Melinda (Tanpa Sensor)

Beberapa waktu lalu dunia internet sempat dihebohkan dengan pemberitaan Video Klip Cinta Satu Malam yang tanpa sensor dimana video klip melinda dengan lagu cinta satu malam merupakan single pertama dari album keenamnya yang di klaim sebagai kisahnya sendiri.

Di video ini Penyanyi Melinda ada adegan dimana dirinya saling menempelkan bibir dengan Ibnu Jamil Tapi itu hanya trik kamera saja dan ada adegan setengah telanjang di dalam bathup, tapi ia ngaku dia gak bugil, alias masih palkai swimsuit bukan bikini, ujarnya ?

Watch Video Klip Cinta Satu Malam - Melinda

Bella Saphira Sexy Pose on Popular Magazine

Full Name: Bella Saphira Veronica Simanjuntak
Nick Name: Bella Saphira
Place / Date of Birth: Magelang, August 6, 1973
Nationality: Indonesia
Last Education: S1 economics Trisakti
Occupation: singers
Favorite Musician: Mariah Carey
Favourite Movie Star: Mel Gibson
Favourite Author:
Height: Weight: 165 cm / 50 kg
Size: Shirt: S Pants: M Shoes: 37

Bella Saphira in elegant fashion model photoshoot photo, image, and picture gallery. Beautiful top Indonesian singer, actress, model, and women celebrity Bella Saphira in elegant fashion model photoshoot. Bella Shapira looks beautiful, elegant, luxury, charming, and amazing, with an elegant dress that she wears. That elegant dress fashion is perfect with the unique atmosphere, so it looks more luxury. Bella Saphira is very appropriate to be an elegant dress fashion model. Of course, because supported by her natural Asian beauty, so all look elegant and luxurious. Bella Shapira in elegant fashion model photoshoot model photos, images, and pictures collection courtesy of unknown.

Career Sinetron:
Nyah CEMPLON, DEWI FORTUNA, HOUSE OF CONCRETE, stepped on the clouds, NORMA, between two CHOICE, TIME CONTINUES WALKING, King of the Road


Foto gallery Sexy Bella Saphira - picture Sexy Bella Saphira - wallpapaper celebrity Sexy Bella Saphira so looks other gallery foto artis indonesia on blog foto artis indonesia..

Bella Saphira

Bella Saphira

"Sheen Saphir" Bella Saphira

"What a crystal clear eyes. Look deeply, and then you will understand if beningnya lake water in the endless jungle, though it seems hard to match the clarity of a pair of eyes. Then menyelamlah in essentially the cool, wandered in the deepest trench. Do you see the bluish glow of light? Complete woman named Bella Saphira Veronica Simanjuntak was blessed with a couple of eyeballs that are spectacularly beautiful. 'I am thankful blessed derived from mothers who have pure white skin and big eyes are good, "she said softly."
When that figure Bella standing to challenge with sharp eyes thrilling. Any typhoon tempest-swept embers of the fire which was languishing in the depths of the pulse. How can avoid the anxiety that cover the grave of conscience? Golden wings as if pushed from behind her back. Is this an angel who brought winds north to the finite universe? Or is the figure of the fairy nirvana, dubbed the most beautiful of all fairy fairies?

Bella Saphira

Bella Saphira

The owner of 165 centimeters tall and weighing 50 kg was smiling for a moment. She said if the seriousness of health problems is quite strong. 'Fortunately I did not like snacking, I prefer to consume vitamin C and drinking juice, "said the daughter to the third of four siblings.

This girl's name as though through the sky when her role in the drama 'Lady Luck' a few years ago could make a puddle of tears mixed with smiles and sympathy to people of the country. But at this time, his adventures culminated in a collection of tone and sound of the surge.

Bella Saphira

Bella Saphira,Bella Saphira

Through the album 'Behold My Heart' which came out since 2005 earlier, this pure Batak blooded girl wrote almost the entire song lyrics, and also appeared as an active producer and arranger of songs. Musical journey not since yesterday afternoon. Since grade school he'd wrestle a musical instrument piano. When high school she was active as a soprano in church choirs. In 1989 he debuted as a guest singer on the album 'Halmahera Band Album'. Then the 'Voice of Asia Album' in 1992, and was published first solo album in 1996 entitled 'Love in high school'.

Stanza by stanza life story she scratched through an ink-ink pens that write poetry. Pens that dance while natural soul kiss miss rest of his life. There are times when his fingers could not incised million lentiknya hope, there is a beautiful time melodies he could not hum. If the door has been closed language, where to find the window of love?

Bella Saphira

Bella Saphira

"Sometimes it is very difficult to find inspiration to write lyrics to songs. I never impose it, when it could no longer, I opted for a trip to the beach. When refreshing while enjoying the beauty of the beach, it was actually the inspiration arises. Yes I have, I direct my songs recorded in a tape recorder, "she said, smiling.

Where are you the sun? Why do not you make a social as well? Though the night has left sumringah zenith in the evening. Or did he love the window is not too wide open? So that shimmered with golden sinarmu difficult to wander in the coffers of his heart. Duhai ... Would you love a window open just a little piece kayumu? Do you not see the struggle of love in the ocean there? Even the sea water was willing to beg on the pearl to break the shell.

Bella Saphira,Bella Saphira

Bella Saphira

"Actually, years ago I put the target in 2005 married, just had not accomplished, but I think better late, than forcing a relationship that I was not sure was right," She said with deep seriousness.

She thinks he should be someone who deserves be a role model in all things, good and moral intelligence. Perfection is not of this world, but the sun and the clouds that shade the perfection of the heavens is not impossible to find. These women believe one gemawan will open a window of his love. One of the rays will dive into the lake in his eyes. At the bottom of the lake will look bluish glow of light centered from a stone like a diamond a diamond, that's light gleaming Saphir.

Cathy Sharon Pose on Popular Magazine

"She is a friendly figure and ready smile. Her career in the entertainment industry is known as a Video Jockey (VJ) on MTV. Chaterine complete woman named Sharon Gasnier also exist as a presenter and actress. Previously, she also had time to jump in the field of modeling. Women born in Jakarta on October 8, 1982 This has the blood of French descent, Manado, and hard. She is older sister of Julie Estelle who also work as an artist. "

Began her acting career by FTV, which starred husband with DJ Create Fungky, I Make You Crazy, and Impressions of a Butterfly. Around the Year in 2006, Cathy jumped into the acting world through the wide-screen cameo role in the movie The World Them. Her name skyrocketed over horror film director besutan Empty Bench Helfi Ch. Kardit. MTV VJ began his career as a vacuum since the year 2007. After that, a woman with a height of 170 cm was beginning to exist as a presenter infotainment. She is also known as one of his supporters at a comedy show that aired at Extravaganza Trans TV.

Cathy Sharon

Cathy Sharon

Some time ago, POPULAR entered into an exclusive photo session with him. Interesting interview we were doing. Apparently, Cathy is a person who is warm and open minded. POPULAR reporters following interview excerpts, Tedy Matondang:

How the way you treat your body to keep it beautiful
I am very hygienic person. So always wash your hands after eating or after doing anything. Wash your face after coming home from somewhere.

How the way you treat your body to keep it beautiful
I am very hygienic person. So always wash your hands after eating or after doing anything. Wash your face after coming home from somewher

Cathy Sharon

Cathy Sharon

So you're spending your greatest in treatment huh?
Usually spend a lot of money if every so often to the hairdresser. I'm not really into often to the salon. Me to the salon because hair clippers, creambath, or a haircut. In addition, I use the products themselves and sometimes also given the product and I like to use at home. What is important to know how to use.

Is that true beauty is pain?
Depending on the terms of the what? Maybe there is truth in beauty is pain due to be treated to beauty. But when it's used, will not be difficult. Everything is just a matter of habit.

Cathy SharonCathy Sharon

How about the dress code, whether the need is branded?
More often mix-mix. But if there are branded goods which I adore. Whatever I try, however the way to purchase goods. But I also was trying to keep my spending and saving.

Before publicly recognized as today. Have experienced hard times come casting and rejected?
Casting is a must. So I do not see casting a trivial and lazy to do. Since all things in life should also be no effort. So the casting had to be passed to get what we want. Ever felt rejected. If not contacted again after casting means rejected. Surely there. But I do not focus on the negative things like that. So I forget it. If I am not able to that role, so be it. Saja.Dulu saw into the future because it often involved in casting not yet have a name. But for now castingnya reduced as it was already better known.

Echa Fellyzha Sexy Model on Popular

Echa Fellyzha was born in Jakarta, February 18, 1986. Echa Fellyzha a descendant Medan, Java and Jakarta. Echa Fellyzha is a beautiful woman who has white skin and legs.

Echa Fellyzha began his career as a catwalk model when she was still in high school, Felly was an artist too often played in several films. Felly is the youngest of five children and has a quiet and intelligent character.

Echa Fellyzha heights 171 cm and weight 50 kg. Man of her dreams is the oriental man with a chubby body and a good joke. Felly has a hobby playing billiards.

Anyone wishing to be rid of fatigue, even for a moment the city. What if your vacation to Angel Island with a sexy angel? Yep, of course he has a number of 'mischief' that makes you not want to quickly go from the island.
Angel is beautiful, white, with a ladder leg. Echa Fellyzha her name, was born in Jakarta, February 18, 1986, Medan-blooded girl - Java and Jakarta. Radiated gentleness as she speaks.

Echa Fellyzha on photo model Popular Magazine as fresh look favorite pose beautiful art.

Echa Fellyzha

Echa Fellyzha

Echa Fellyzha

Toward the sun began to dwell on the western horizon, the woman he affectionately called this Felly, leaving the city toward Angel Island. On the island from the Dutch fort there, he enjoyed the quiet atmosphere of a typical air and sea.

Starting as a catwalk model when sitting in high school, Felly swept the world of film and finally decided to hold wrestle the world model. Youngest of five children are quiet, intelligent woman. The figure is the ideal male body with chubby oriental. "I prefer the oriental moreover he is clever joke.

Echa Fellyzha

Echa Fellyzha

Echa Fellyzha

After cleaning the body, applying body lotion with gentle movements, as well as a little squirt of perfume. She stepped into the mini-bar with sexy clothing, not to attract the attention of the man but he likes to wear clothes are simple and sexy. Certainly, Felly was the most beautiful angel tonight.

Dinner has passed. She chose red wine accompanied by the romantic songs of George Michael. Wow, the effect of wine was able to make this beautiful virgin to feel comfortable. Bak model that is being posed, she was teasing the guy with the forces that create body heat damaged.

In the billiard table, madness Felly increasingly likely. The man who is engrossed in poking the ball begins to lose his concentration. White ball to hit is no longer interesting. Beneath the dim light, Felly came a man and asked him to drive her to the bungalow. Stock wines can indeed make this blue world is not flat anymore.

For the love affairs Felly prefer things that are flowing without having planned. "It's safer and convenient to use a condom even though the couple themselves," explained Felly relaxed. She also hopes to satisfy her opponent, rather than vice versa. "To me that's enough conventional forces."

Our advice, you do not get too often bring flowers for her. "I kind of woman that if more and more distant approach."

Last night was so perfect. With a white-covered, Felly out to perfect sheen morning enjoying the sunrise with a refreshing body.

Elsa Krasova Hot Model with White Bikini

As the bikini is becoming a new type of jersey is available on the market: micro bikini. How these pieces of clothing maigre TINI someone? The designers have done more than strings bikinis pieces of fabric, giving the wearer look sexy.

Elsa Krasova

Elsa Krasova

This means that your nipples, buttocks and crotch area will be visible. If you have the body shape and bold sense of adventure for them, and try a walk on the beach with its new micro bikini. What kinds of looks from other users on average bikini.

Elsa Krasova

Elsa Krasova

As if these bikinis could not give more, have created micro bikinis that you can see by looking at the person who had the right angle. Some of these bikinis to explain the entire body, causing a huge controversy about whether people should not be used in public spaces. However, if you want to show your stuff, these types of bikinis are the right bathroom for you.

Elsa Krasova



There are many forms of micro bikinis exotic and many different models. Some models have multiple belts and jewelry included in them. The tops come in the form of diamonds, or if a tear.

Elsa Krasova

Elsa Krasova

The sexy model have name is Elsa Krasova, with nick name Elsa. She born in Medan, 4 July 1982 and tall 168 CM - weigh 48 KG is Popular model Girl and sinetron actress. She pass from Harapan University Medan, have hobby : shopping and traveling.

This type of bikini also reduces the size of the lines and are often more comfortable to wear than the normal bikinis. This is mainly due to the fact that your body becomes "let go" when he wore one.

So, enjoy your time in the sun with the use of micro bikinis! It can also provide an incentive to reduce their legs so you can get "he / she is beautiful" look to the average bikini bums.
